Jim Fox Memorial Series - Race 1

Jim Fox Memorial Series

Race 1

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results saved: Wednesday, July 14, 2021 9:31:40 PM EDT

From all the skippers and crew who have had the pleasure of sailing a BCYA race run by Tom Behrle & Mary Lees, we are forever thankful you everything you've done for the club, and the personal time you've dedicated to our races. Thank you !!

Division: PHRF N (1 boats) (top)

Pos Sail Boat Skipper Rating Finish
Adjustments Pts
1   230 MOMENTOUS RICHARD GERSHBERG 114 1 19:07:48.0 00:06:07.1 00:31:40.9 00:00:00.0 1.0


(1)Start Date/Time = Tuesday, July 13, 2021 18:30:00.0, Length (nm) = 3.22
(2)Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2017-2020
(3)RRS A9 (Series Longer than a Regatta) is in effect.

Division: PHRF SPINNAKER (15 boats) (top)

Pos Sail Boat Skipper Rating Finish
Adjustments Pts
1   43279 FLYING CIRCUS DAVID COLEMAN 132 6 19:22:42.0 00:11:05.3 00:41:36.7 00:00:00.0 1.0
2   43 JESTER HUGH BETHELL 90 3 19:19:56.0 00:07:33.6 00:42:22.4 00:00:45.7 2.0
3   22764 ARTEMIS II CHRISTINE COMPTON 126 8 19:23:23.0 00:10:35.0 00:42:48.0 00:01:11.2 3.0
4   163 SIZZLE VIRGIL HOBBS JR 138 9 19:24:29.0 00:11:35.5 00:42:53.5 00:01:16.8 4.0
5   356 MONKEY BUSINESS JONATHAN POLLAK 75 2 19:19:42.0 00:06:18.0 00:43:24.0 00:01:47.3 5.0
6   69 BARE BONES JOHN TIS 72 1 19:19:38.0 00:06:02.9 00:43:35.1 00:01:58.4 6.0
7   42340 LEGACY MARK TAYLOR 78 4 19:21:11.0 00:06:33.1 00:44:37.9 00:03:01.2 7.0
8   42424 INCORRIGIBLE DAN GRIMM & PAT DUNN 72 5 19:21:51.0 00:06:02.9 00:45:48.1 00:04:11.4 8.0
9   83321 BLUE SMOKE LEWIS KIMBALL 75 7 19:23:01.0 00:06:18.0 00:46:43.0 00:05:06.3 9.0
10   53401 ANOTHER FINE MESS STEPHEN BROADHEAD 120 10 19:34:30.0 00:10:04.8 00:54:25.2 00:12:48.5 10.0
11   338 SPRITE DSC KUCHER 174 11 19:39:27.0 00:14:37.0 00:54:50.0 00:13:13.3 11.0
DNC   73209 DARK CRYSTAL KYLE STUMP 129 DNC No Time 00:10:50.2 No Time No Time DNC 16.0T
DNC   18 WHISTLE JACKET DON BRADLEY 123 DNC No Time 00:10:19.9 No Time No Time DNC 16.0T
DNC   45 PAZUZU NICK RANDOLPH 90 DNC No Time 00:07:33.6 No Time No Time DNC 16.0T
DNC   41315 BOXCAR GLENN LEACH 66 DNC No Time 00:05:32.6 No Time No Time DNC 16.0T


(1)Start Date/Time = Tuesday, July 13, 2021 18:30:00.0, Length (nm) = 5.04
(2)Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2017-2020
(3)RRS A9 (Series Longer than a Regatta) is in effect.

Information is provisional and subject to modification

Principal Race Officer: Mary Lees Gunther
Jury Chair: Dave Clinnin

Version 7.5.5: Regatta scoring by JavaScore, an Open Source project available at http://www.gromurph.org/javascore