Tuesday night sailing


The Baltimore City Yacht Association (BCYA) exists to organize, sponsor, and promote sailing on the Chesapeake Bay, in and around the Baltimore (Maryland, USA) harbor. The club has approximately 25 yachts and 70 dues paying members and is a member of the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association (CBYRA). We sponsor the Tuesday evening summer racing series in Baltimore Harbor, as well as two of the major CBYRA Saturday race events. New members are always welcome.

2024 Club Officers

Executive Board

Commodore: Scott Kirwin

Vice Commodore:

Treasurer: Madeleine Schroeher

Recording Secretary: Holly Tilford

Membership: Nick Randolph

Social Chair: Claire Molina

Member-at-Large: Christine Compton

Member-at-Large: Rich Shores

Member-at-Large: Chris Korpman

Member-at-Large: Ian Craig

Committees, Chairs & Delegates

Race Committee: Kelly Cagle, Madeleine Schroeher & Michael Mann; PRO Emeritus: Tom Behrle, Mary Lees Gunther, Bob Greenfield

Protest Committee: Dave Clinnin

Scoring: James R. Gray, Christine Compton, Nick Randolph

Race Event Chair: Scott Kirwin

Social Media: Claire Molina, Madeleine Schroeher

Black Book: Christine Compton

Website Manager: Christine Compton, Nick Randolph, Kevin Petrikas, Emeritus: Bob Sopka

CBYRA Delegate: Scott Kirwin

PHRF Delegate: Scott Kirwin

BCYA Board Meetings

Board meetings are held the first Monday of each month with adjustments for holidays.

Members, please submit any concerns you wish the board to address at least one week prior to the email address below.